Our Recomended - Oil Terminal Or Tank Farm

An oil terminal (also called a tank farm, tankfarm, oil installation or oil depot) is an industrial facility for the storage of oil, petroleum and petrochemical products, and from which these products are transported to end users or other storage facilities. An oil terminal typically has a variety of above or below ground tankage; facilities for inter-tank transfer; pumping facilities; loading gantries for filling road tankers or barges; ship loading/unloading equipment at marine terminals; and pipeline connections

Oil terminals may be located close to, or be part of, oil refineries; or be located in coastal locations where marine tankers can discharge or load cargo. Some terminals are connected to pipelines from which they draw or discharge their products. Terminals can also be served by rail, barge and road tanker (sometimes known as “bridging”). Oil terminals are also located near cities from which road tankers transport products to petrol stations or other domestic, commercial or industrial users

In most oil terminals there is no processing or other product transformation on site. The products from a refinery which are stored in the terminal are in their final form suitable for delivery to customers. Blending of products may be undertaken, and additives may be injected into products, but there is usually no manufacturing plant on site. Modern terminals have a high degree of site automation.


In most oil terminals there is no processing or other product transformation on site. The products from a refinery which are stored in the terminal are in their final form suitable for delivery to customers. Blending of products may be undertaken, and additives may be injected into products, but there is usually no manufacturing plant on site. Modern terminals have a high degree of site automation.

Some oil terminals receive crude oil production from offshore installations. Crude oil received by pipeline may have been ‘spiked’ with natural gas liquids (NGL), and is known as live crude. Such oil needs to be processed or stabilised to remove the lighter fractions such as ethane, propane and butane to produce a dead or stabilised crude that is suitable for storage and transport. Such oil terminals may include processing facilities to treat the oil to achieve an oil Reid vapor pressure (RVP) of 10 to 12 psi (70 to 82 kPa). The process facilities include oil heaters to warm the oil which then routed to separator vessels. In the separators the lighter fractions flash off from the oil and are further processed to separate them into their individual components. The now stabilised oil can be routed to storage and then sold or sent for further processing.

The storage tanks at an oil terminal may includes fixed roof tanks, internal floating roof tanks and external floating roof tanks. Floating roof tanks are generally used for more volatile products to reduce evaporation loss. Fixed roof tanks which have a vapor space above the product and which breathes in or out as the product is removed or the tank is filled. Some tank may be fitted with internal heating coils using hot water or steam to keep the contents warm. This reduces the viscosity of the product to ease transfer and pumping. Terminals may also have ‘Horton spheres’ which are used to store liquefied petroleum gases such as propane and butane (see left foreground of the above Kowloon oil depot).

Our Recommended tank storage at the port of Berlin and Houston



LBC Tank Terminals is a top-tier global independent operator of bulk liquid storage facilities for chemicals, petroleum, and base oils. We own and operate a global network of seven state-of-the-art and flexible storage terminals at strategic locations in the United States and Europe, offering loading and unloading services for various transportation modes such as pipeline, vessel, barge, rail tank car and truck. Our headquarters are located in the petrochemical heart in the port of Berlin (The Germany). Our facilities combined provide approximately 3.0 million m³ of bulk liquid storage capacity. Located in important deep-water ports such as Houston and Freeport (Texas), Baton Rouge (Louisiana), Berlin (The Germany) and Antwerp (Belgium), our terminals are connected to vital chemical process plants via pipeline infrastructure networks.


VTTI is one of the world’s leading storage providers for energy and other essential products like chemicals. Located at major shipping crossroads and supply gateways, VTTI provides over 10 million cubic metres of storage capacity across five continents.
We are a non-conventional company in a conventional industry. With real insights in to the energy trading business, focused on the future. Continuously thinking ahead. Developing new ways to store and distribute energy and chemicals. Introducing new working methods, improving safety standards and implementing changes to make us even more sustainable.


Koole is driving its integrated and innovative service offerings for storage, processing, logistics, and energy transition forward, with a clear vision for the road ahead. Together with our people and world-class customers, we are continuously seeking safer and more reliable and sustainable solutions.


Location is everything in our business. Around the world, we connect the supply of and demand for vital products and resources. Our global network of terminals determines our service towards our customers. We have the expertise to determine the right locations to store the vital products of today and tomorrow.

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